The longitudinal dynamics and natural history of clonal haematopoiesis

Margarete A. Fabre*, José Guilherme de Almeida*, Edoardo Fiorillo, Valeria Orru, Michele Marongiu, MS Vijayabaskar, Joanna Baxter, Claire Hardy, Federico Abascal, Michael Spencer Chapman, Iñigo Martincoren, Jyoti Nangalia, Emily Mitchell, Peter Campbell, Eoin McKinney, Francesco Cucca, Moritz Gerstung, George S. Vassiliou.

* joint first authors

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1. Estimating the overdispersion

In this notebook, we detail the estimation of the technical overdispersion using technical replicates.

2. Validation of hierarchical Bayes model

In this notebook, we validate the hierarchical Bayes model used in this work with Wright-Fisher simulations.

3. Validating the estimation of growth rates and evidence for saturation from phylogenetic trees

In this notebook, we validate the estimation of growth rates from phylogenetic trees and collect the evidence for saturation from simulations.

4. Comparing different methods for the estimation of population size trajectory

In this notebook, we assess whether other methods for population size estimate perform well when determining growth rates.

5. Growth rate coefficients and age at onset inference, possible associations with phenotype

In this notebook, we analyse the estimates for growth rate, infer and analyse the agest at onset for all clones and analyse possible associations with phenotype.

6. Analysis of the phylogenetic trees in Mitchell et al. (2021)

In this notebook, we analyse the phylogenetic trees in a recent publication to further collect evidence showing that clones decelerate.

7. Investigating the historical growth effect and poor fits

In this notebook, we finalise our analysis of historical growth effect and clonal deceleration, while also confirming there are no obvious explanations for poor fits.